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Recruitment has never been easier! Refer friends and get them to apply on the website! (!recruitment/chu7) Now applicants can easily choose what position they want to apply for then fill out the form, submit and there you go!

If you are accepted you will be whitelisted and added to that rank as soon as possible!


When the server goes BETA there will be no turning back, no turning the server off, frequent restarts, when players apply for BETA Whitelisting (far from now) they will be added to the server on the day of opening. The BETA Testers will be limited to around 100ish players, so we don't have too many on all the time. Once the BETA is over and we find common mistakes and exploits the players/staff have found playing we will patch everything up and then release the official TFK where whitelist will be removed and there is no limit on players (apart from the server hosting restrictions).

Alpha Stages

We are currently in the Alpha Stages.

Meaning that we need a lot of testing work done but also we are still in much development so there are delays for the opening of testing for certain areas.
As of now Alpha is open for testing upon the whole of the withstanding Carold Valleys and the Secondary Camelot Kingdom.

Alpha Testers have been discussed upon as what rank they would receive when the server is finished and we have decided (Alex and I) that Alpha Testers will receive Quartz Donor rank permanently, and if they buy future donor ranks they will receive them for life and not the standard limited times.

To Alpha Testers, to make life easier ask a mod in-game to upgrade your rank, donate to the server to upgrade [e.g Quartz to Emerald = $15] then he will Permissions Ex add you to that donor rank, if you was to buy from the shop on the website you will receive a deadline when that ranks stop working so don't buy online as it will cause frustration!

Donators Shop Avaliable Now

The Donators Shop is now set up, try it for yourself! Click the Donators Shop on the main homepage then you can view the Price Plans, rank titles & abilities and extras!

Click donate if you wish to purchase a rank and then it will take you to the Purchase page, use coupon FIRSTDONATION20 for 20% off your First Donation!

If you purchase before the release of the server we re-apply the Title for when it is open so you won't have no need to fuss other than us not being public early enough ;)!

(The Coupon will last until the 31st March, 2013, so get buying!)

​TFK World Back Up

The TFK World is now back up, thanking all staff for your patience with this matter.  

We are currently doing Chunk Generations and Map Rendering for the upmost performance when playing. We are currently running on 96GB RAM with 32 CPU Cores for these tasks to process easily.



Syolia Building Team

We now have a World Development Team!

These builders will be working on the main Kingdoms Map developing many things from Large Projects  like Castles and Quests to Small Projects like Houses and Forts.

However we are always recruiting, please apply here if interested.

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